West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers – After a car accident in West Palm Beach, the last thing you need is added stress. Our compassionate and experienced team of West Palm Beach car accident lawyers are among the best in the city! We can help you navigate the legal process, fight for fair compensation, and help you focus on healing.

While there is no law that specifically requires you to hire a car accident lawyer if you have been involved in an accident, it is in your best interest to do so. An experienced car accident attorney can help you protect your rights, maximize your recovery, and ensure that your case is handled properly. What can the injury lawyers at Winegar Law do for you?

West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

An important reason why you hire a car accident lawyer is to ensure that you are adequately compensated based on all the claims you are entitled to. The best car accident lawyers know how to identify as many sources of compensation as possible. Even if you were partially at fault, you may still be able to recover the portion of the damages for which the other party is responsible.

Can I Sue If I Was At Fault In A Car Accident

Knowing what you are eligible for is just the beginning. The next step is to prove liability. It is not uncommon for the at-fault driver or their insurance company to deny or downplay their own involvement or even attempt to shift blame to you. Without an experienced West Palm Beach car accident attorney on your side, you may find it difficult to prove otherwise.

While on the road, you may be approached by the other driver or the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Without your own representation, you could do or say things that jeopardize the strength of your case. If you hire your own car accident lawyer, you can decline any comments and forward all communications to your legal team.

Successfully negotiating a settlement or filing a lawsuit against large insurance companies is not a skill that the average person has. Our car accident law firm has over a decade of experience dealing with insurance company tactics. We can anticipate the strategies they are likely to use and plan for them. We know what your case is worth and will help you build a strong case to support it.

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There are various deadlines that must be met and certain legal procedures that must be followed in order to file a car accident claim. If you miss a deadline or fail to comply with the court’s requirements, your claim may be denied or reduced.

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If you find yourself in any of the following situations, you should consult a car accident lawyer immediately:

There is no cost to speak with a car accident attorney at Winegar Law Injury Lawyers. In our consultation we discuss:

We will explain your legal rights and you will also have the opportunity to ask questions about our attorneys and other questions about your case.

West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

We work on a contingency fee basis, which means there is no fee unless we win. So you have nothing to lose – contact us today!

Palm Beach International Airport Slip And Fall Injury Lawyers

The amount of compensation you can recover in a car accident lawsuit depends on the cost and individual impact of injured victims, as well as their willingness to accept the level of compensation offered by an insurance company.

However, most of the time, how much compensation you can receive depends on the severity of your accident and injuries. Cases with long-term medical problems or permanent disabilities are generally worth much more than cases with full recovery.

Your patience will play a role as the offers from the first establishment you meet will likely not reflect the maximum you are entitled to. The best car accident lawyers know how to stand their ground and get the compensation you deserve. This process takes time and patience, but the wait is almost always worth it.

Under Florida law, you only have a limited amount of time to file a personal injury claim in court. This is called the statute of limitations in Florida. Recent changes have reduced the time it takes you to file a car accident claim from 4 years to 2 years.

West Palm Beach Motorcycle Accidents

In rare cases, exceptions may apply and personal injury law in Florida may change. For the most up-to-date information at the time, it is best to contact a car accident attorney directly.

It’s always best to file a claim as soon as possible, even though two years may seem like a long time away. Their memories fade with time, along with reliable eyewitness accounts and evidence.

In addition, depending on the individual case, other shorter terms may apply, which are based on the deadlines set by the insurance carriers themselves.

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West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

In short, the sooner you act after an accident, the better your chances of receiving fair compensation. Missing a deadline may result in you losing your right to a refund.

West Palm Beach Vehicle Accident Attorney

If you or a passenger in your vehicle suffers a serious injury, it is important to seek medical attention as quickly as possible and then speak to an attorney. If anyone is injured at the scene of the accident, call 911 immediately.

Protect your rights and be careful how you proceed from here if you wish to pursue legal action. Hiring your own car accident lawyer as soon as possible will increase your chances of success and a positive outcome.

It’s important not to admit responsibility or apologize, even if you think it was your fault. An investigation will help you find out exactly why the accident happened. You may accidentally admit something that wasn’t your fault, or your apology may even be taken as an admission of guilt.

You still must notify your insurance company to file a PIP claim regardless of fault, and having an experienced car accident attorney on your side to guide you through this process can be invaluable.

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Across the country and even in West Palm Beach, Florida, car accidents are most often caused by distracted driving, speeding and failure to yield the right of way.

Distracted driving is most commonly associated with “texting and driving.” While texting and driving are a major cause of distracted driving, other forms of distracted driving could include:

Acceleration shortens reaction time, which increases the risk of loss of control of a vehicle. Additionally, speeding means more than just driving faster than the posted speed limit. If the accident occurred in bad weather, heavy traffic, or at night, a driver could be charged with speeding because they were driving too fast for the circumstances.

West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

Failure to maintain the right of way can lead to a variety of accidents that pose a significant risk to all road users. Some examples are:

Steps To File A Car Accident Claim In West Palm Beach Fl

West Palm Beach is a popular vacation spot in the United States. Unfortunately, this also contributes to serious accidents. In 2023, there were 385 drunk driving-related crashes in Palm Beach County alone, according to the FLHSMV crash dashboard.

Drivers have a responsibility to keep their vehicles in good condition. Regular inspections and regular maintenance can help keep roads safer for everyone.

Whether potholes, fallen cables, a broken traffic light or a sharp curve – road conditions can be the cause of accidents and should be reported.

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Extreme caution should always be exercised when driving in bad weather, particularly rain or storms. Visibility decreases and roads can be slippery, which can lead to car accidents.

Auto Accident Lawyer West Palm Beach Fl|william W Price, P.a

Aggressive driving such as tailgating, excessive acceleration, or weaving in and out of traffic can increase tensions on the road and lead to dangerous collisions. An altercation with another driver increases the risk of being involved in a collision.

Ignoring fatigue while driving can lead to serious accidents and endanger the driver and other road users. Driving while asleep is comparable to the effects of alcohol poisoning, with slower reaction times and impaired judgment – even when falling asleep at the wheel.

It is important to determine the cause of your accident because this will help determine who is responsible for the accident and your injuries.

West Palm Beach Automobile Accident Lawyers

In Florida, liability is determined by a finding of negligent conduct. Negligence means that a person acted inappropriately and caused harm to another person. To prove your claim and someone else’s negligence, four basic elements must be proven.

Fractured & Broken Bone Injury Lawyer

Our West Palm Beach car accident lawyers can help you get the evidence you need for your case. This can include things like:

Even if you are partially at fault, you may still be able to recover a percentage of the compensation. However, it is important to note that the March 2023 changes moved Florida from a pure comparative negligence state to a modified comparative negligence state. This means that you cannot receive compensation if more than 50% of the cause of the accident is taken into account.

For example, prior to this change, you could be liable for up to 99% and still be entitled to compensation for 1% of the liability attributable to the other party. This is a big change that can have a profound impact on your car accident case. Insurance carriers realize that if they can shift 51% of the blame to you, they can avoid paying out.

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