Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles – In Los Angeles and throughout Southern California, car accidents are an everyday occurrence. Although we don’t think about accidents while driving, they can happen. If you have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence or recklessness, call The Dominguez Firm today for a free consultation at 800-818-1818. We are here to take your call 24/7.

The Dominguez Firm has more than 30 years of experience helping car accident victims get the compensation they deserve. Our award-winning Los Angeles car accident attorneys, skilled investigators and client-oriented staff allow us to work face-to-face with insurance companies and their attorneys. If an insurance company refuses to compensate you fairly, we have the financial resources to go to trial. not all

Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles

The same can be said. Some will accept a small fee to keep costs down or refer your case out because they can’t handle the case in-house.

Top Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney

For over 30 years, the Dominguez Law Firm has successfully resolved thousands of Los Angeles car accident cases and cases throughout Southern California. We’ve recovered over $1 billion* for grateful clients and will work hard to do the same for you.

Below you’ll find some common questions we get from car accident victims and how we can help you.

If you have ever been in a car accident, you may be asking yourself if you need to hire a car accident attorney. If you have been injured, you should consult with a car accident attorney. Because even an accident that seems minor at first can turn out to be serious later. In the event of an accident, you may be shocked and not realize that you have been injured. They can take some time to appear, and when they do, they can cause severe pain and complications. In these situations, it is extremely important to have a car accident lawyer on your side.

If you have been involved in a serious car accident, it is crucial to hire a Los Angeles car accident law firm with a track record of success. This includes emergency medical care, hospitalization and/or any accident that prevents you from working.

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Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys Provide Expert Guidance

Now is not the time to act alone. Regardless of the extent of your injury, insurance companies will make every effort to reduce your claim. Sometimes others involved in an accident argue about who is responsible. This situation can and does arise. The Dominguez Law Firm has successfully handled all types of car accidents and injuries. We understand the tactics of insurance companies and other parties because we have faced them and know how to deal with them.

If you think you can’t hire a team of Los Angeles car accident attorneys, think again. Dominguez works on an ad hoc basis. This means we receive a percentage of your final settlement or judgment amount. There are no upfront fees or costs to you. Even in the unlikely event that we are unable to obtain compensation for you, you owe us nothing. You win or you don’t pay! Therefore, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by hiring a Dominguez firm.

Although many people believe that the more serious the car accident, the greater the damage to the vehicle’s property and the greater the amount of injuries. The truth is, even minor or seemingly minor accidents can cause catastrophic injuries. It doesn’t take much force to hit sensitive areas like the spine, brain, joints and bones.

Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, car accident injury cases are generally considered personal injury cases and are filed in civil court. The plaintiff (the person filing the suit) wants to recover money from the defendant (the person being sued). Below is a general overview of the steps involved in filing a lawsuit.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorney

Filing a personal injury lawsuit for a car accident claim in Los Angeles is not an easy task. It requires a lot of skill and experience. This is not something that ordinary people can do alone.

Other important questions to consider: What are the different types of car accidents, their causes and related statistics?

According to data compiled by the California Office of Traffic Safety, crash death statistics include:

Yes. In California, it is against the law to use someone’s immigration status against them in any civil case, including car accident cases. In other words, when someone negligently causes your injury, it doesn’t matter why you’re here, how you’re here, or why you’re here. For security reasons, we always raise a privacy objection to block any search aimed at obtaining such information.

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Los Angeles Auto Accident Attorney

Although English is used in court, non-English speakers often use licensed interpreters.

Our car accident attorneys work with some of the best interpreters in Los Angeles who can help you express your voice, often matching your accent, intonation and intonation so that the translation and interpretation is accurate and conveys your story and emotions.

Yes. California is a “comparative fault” state, which means your overall recovery rate will be reduced based on the percentage you are considered responsible for the accident. For example, if your total award is $1,000,000 and your actions are deemed to have contributed 25% to the accident, your award would be $750,000. You can get compensation even if you are considered 99% at fault. This will be discussed when speaking with a personal injury attorney.

Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Depending on the specific facts of your case, you may be able to claim workers’ compensation and file a lawsuit in civil court against a negligent third party (not the employer). Fortunately, we’ve got you covered because not only do we have award-winning car accident attorneys, we also have a workers’ compensation department with extensive experience and success handling all types of workers’ compensation cases.

Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers

In addition to everything discussed above, our core values ​​focus on empathy, service and results Our Los Angeles car accident attorneys are client-first and committed to providing you with the best, most humane service possible. We keep you informed, answer your questions, and never make important decisions without informing and consulting you first.

Results matter too, and we have the track record to prove it, having recovered over $1 billion* for thousands of injured clients. Our award-winning accident lawyer team, including the Accident Trial Team, has won multiple multi-million dollar jury verdicts and settlements, including a $29 million car accident verdict.

Call 800-818-1818 today for a free consultation about your case. Our promise: You don’t have to pay if you don’t win!

My experience was good. They made sure to keep me informed and kept me informed of what was going on throughout the process. My mother has used other attorneys and this experience was much better. I would definitely recommend them!

Los Angeles Accident Lawyers (888) 488 1391 *no Win, No Fee*

The attorney was always available and answered my questions. I would recommend them to others. Joe is the best!

My experience with the Dominguez Law Firm and attorneys was excellent. They were very informative and always called me back. If you have been injured in a car accident, you need to speak with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. A car accident lawyer can help you file a claim and get the compensation you deserve. There are many experienced car accident attorneys in Los Angeles who can help with your case, but none have the track record of The Ultimate Law Firm. If you have been injured in a car accident, call us today at (818) 821-8777 to discuss your options!

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If you have been involved in a car accident, it is important to contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner you contact an experienced car accident attorney, the better your chances of winning your car accident lawsuit or personal injury claim. If you are involved in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.

Automobile Accident Attorney Los Angeles

A knowledgeable car accident attorney like The Ultimate Law Firm will know how to build a strong car accident or hit-and-run accident case on your behalf and seek the highest financial compensation possible.

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If you are involved in a car accident, it is important to act quickly. In Los Angeles, the statute of limitations in car accident cases is two years from the date of the accident. This means you only have two years to sue the negligent driver. If you do not submit within this period, you will not receive any compensation.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, contact the experienced Los Angeles car accident attorneys at The Ultimate Law Firm. We will fight to get the compensation you deserve. Call us today for a free consultation! Just call (818) 821-8777 to get started.

If you have been involved in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your car accident injuries. You may be able to

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