The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma – May 2018. We were looking forward to a week at our favorite campsite near Rome. Our family vacations are a time to slow down and enjoy being together. My husband was working in Rhodes the week before our vacation. So to save him from traveling too much we planned to meet at the Rome airport. As always, I left my smartphone at home for a tech-free vacation. My final text to him said, “If we can’t find each other at the airport, let’s meet at the campsite, ps what’s the address of the site?” Then I ditched my phone, left it in the car and started driving with my two young daughters.

Hours later we arrived at the Rome airport in anticipation of our meeting. We had booked our flights to arrive at the same time and waited for him on arrival. An hour passed and I began to wonder if I had the wrong time. Two hours passed and I knew something was wrong. Three hours passed and I began to panic. It was 9pm, I had two small children in Rome, no phone. I couldn’t get the airport phones to work and I couldn’t find an off-site car rental company. Sad and upset I asked the help desk for help. Somehow I managed to remember my husband’s number and finally we met.

The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma

With ice cream for dinner and a hair taxi call we finally arrived, not exactly the quiet start I had planned.

The Social Dilemma … Is It Really A Dilemma? Is There Hope?

August 2019. We were camping in France. Determined not to work or waste time on my phone. I left my phone at home again. As I struggled, I found that social media often made me feel jealous and envious. I was pressured to have an online presence for work and friendships. You often feel out of control, stuck and disconnected.

I was pressured to have an online presence for work and friendships. You often feel out of control, stuck and disconnected. tweet

This time there is no disaster at the airport. Instead a much deeper problem arose. I felt anxious, constantly struggled with FOMO*, kept thinking about my phone and couldn’t relax. I felt frustrated and confused that my phone didn’t work when I left it at home and it didn’t lead to this peaceful, technology-free vacation. After my first vacation I thought my need for my phone was purely practical. After my second vacation I realized that my need for my phone was much deeper. I returned home and began to suffer from “phone anxiety”. It was then that I discovered Cal Newport, Associate Professor of Computer Science.

I found Cal to be honest, forthright yet reassuring. He talks openly about using the phone as a drug. Among many his influences are whistleblowers like Tristan Harris who were trained in billionaire labs in Silicon Valley: “labs that create technologies specifically designed to trigger addictive behavior”. It expresses the concept of the phone as your constant companion “Smartphones are our constant companions. For most of us, their glowing screens are an omnipresent presence, tempting us with endless diversions, such as the warm ping of social approval delivered in the form of likes and retweets, and later algorithmically amplified outrage. . “Breaking news or controversies are in our hands as soon as we wake up, and they occupy our attention until the last moment before we go to bed”. But he is also realistic about how to bring about change. He says that “small changes are not enough to solve the big problems we have with new technology. The underlying behaviors we hope to correct are embedded in our culture. We need a philosophy of how to use the technology. I recently Having seen the movie “The Social Dilemma” in I think Cal’s book, like Digital Minimalism, does a good job of opening up the conversation more broadly.

Hate Social Media? You’ll Love This Documentary

This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human effects of social networking. Technology experts are raising the alarm about what they have created. The documentary concludes that as a society we need to start further back. We must understand that there is a social dilemma. It suggests that there was a lack of leadership in the technology industry, a lack of doubt about the ethics of what they were building, a lack of people coming out and talking openly about things that aren’t perfect.

Instead of giving advice or reflections on this movie, I just wanted to see where the movie ends. So this is me starting a conversation, acknowledging that there is a problem, acknowledging that this is really our societal dilemma. Will you join and share your story with me? Change only comes when we begin to open up the conversation.

Q: What is your story about your experience with social media? How can you open a conversation about a social dilemma? What is your philosophy of using technology?

The Social Dilemma

Discuss: Want to dive deeper into the dilemmas depicted in the film? Use this guide to start a discussion

The Social Dilemma’ Director Jeff Orlowski On Dangers Of Social Media

Hello and thanks for reading my blog. I am married to John and live in Southampton with our two daughters. In 2019 I founded Passion for Evangelism, a network of creative and public women speakers. I am a trustee for the Cowrie Scholarship Foundation which raises vital funds for disadvantaged black British students. I am also a trustee for Friends International which helps to welcome international students to the UK. In response to the war in Ukraine I helped found Ukraine Connect which matches refugees and hosts across Europe View more posts The Social Dilemma is currently streaming on Netflix, raising a lot of attention by raising a question Is – how did we come to accept as normal – the fact that a few hundred tech enthusiasts from Silicon Valley have had an unprecedented impact on billions of lives around the world? Moderated by Jeff Orlovsky, Social Dilemma features tech industry insiders raising ethical concerns about the business models that shape our everyday digital experience.

Although the docudrama has risen to the top of the charts, the narrative about calculation is not new with this digital moment of Frankenstein. For example, Black Mirror is a popular show streaming on Netflix that speculates about how uncontrolled technological development can result in a dystopian world. What makes Social Dilemma unique is perhaps because it features a range of “prodigal tech-trustees”—typically white men who got rich working for big tech, but then became disillusioned and later “Enlightenment” attained.

Tech-bros point out that most platforms were launched with good intentions to improve the quality of human life. However, due to advances in AI, along with a shareholder model of maximizing revenue, these platforms have been weaponized by those with nefarious interests. This threatened liberal democracies, leading to political polarization. We are warned that a civil war is on the horizon, ironically triggered by social networks that ostensibly aim to bring people together.

However, this overly technical-specific presentation of a social problem misses the wood for the trees. Can right-wing authoritarianism, xenophobia, fake news and mental health issues be reduced to the business models of web-based platforms? Once we examine this basic premise, it becomes immediately clear that a lack of social nuance sends the wrong message. Apart from inciting moral panic – exemplified in reviews that talk about throwing your mobile phone in the bin – the documentary avoids a patient and critical examination of contemporary capitalism, which undoubtedly shapes the operation of digital media. . To understand things from the root, we need to understand what the social dilemma actually is.

Netflix’s ‘the Social Dilemma’ Clip Offers An Unsettling Look Into How Closely We’re Tracked Online

The first major silence in the documentary is about the political economy of contemporary capitalism. Without such an understanding, the social dilemma seriously confuses correlation with causation—at least in two areas, viz. Mental health and political trends. Jonathan Haidt, a prominent social psychologist, expresses concern about the “huge increase” in depression and anxiety among American teenagers, apparently due to social media. However, reducing a social phenomenon to a single factor is not particularly helpful. The evidence is also mixed, as many European countries have not seen similar increases in suicide rates despite the high prevalence of telephone use.

The documentary also talks about young women experiencing “Snapchat Dysmorphia”, as they adhere to unrealistic standards of female beauty in search of their authenticity. Here again, instead of questioning the patriarchal male gaze that has existed for decades, we continue to wish for the tools that make it possible. While cyberbullying has certainly become a cause for concern, we often forget that social media is also an effective tool for mobilizing and organizing protest – such as the recent Pride march from Tahrir Square amid the pandemic. Seen up to

Tech-bros worry about society becoming more divided than ever. In India, commentators often speak as if “WhatsApp universities” are the main cause of political polarization. We are constantly reminded that the political arena is an arena of ideas. However, it disrupts the material structures that foster such concerns in the first place. The pitfalls of liberalism lie in their ignorance—often willful—of the social structures that have allowed their normalization.

The Social Dilemma

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