Cheap Motor Car Insurance

Cheap Motor Car Insurance – Colin grew up in an insurance family with his grandfather, aunt and uncle all having successful careers as insurance agents. She soon discovered that she had similar interests and followed in their footsteps. After spending nearly ten years in the insurance industry as a Dispatcher Appraiser and Senior Property Claims Adjuster, she decided to combine her many years of insurance experience with another…

Brad Larson has been in the insurance industry for over 16 years. He specializes in helping clients navigate the claims process, with a special focus on coverage analysis. He received his BA from the University of Utah in Political Science. He also holds the designations of Associate Claims Specialist (AIC) and Associate General Insurance Specialist (AINS), as well as Utah Property and Casualty…

Cheap Motor Car Insurance

Cheap Motor Car Insurance

We are committed to helping you make certain insurance and legal decisions. Finding proven and reliable insurance should be easy. This does not affect our content. Our own opinions.

How Much Car Insurance Do I Need?

Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about insurance. Our goal is to be an objective third-party resource on all things law and insurance. We update our website regularly and all content is reviewed by experts.

Not only is it required in almost every state (New Hampshire is an exception), but it can also save you a lot of money in terms of the cost of repairs, property damage and medical bills.

But if you’re looking for a good deal, how do you compare what different insurance companies offer?

This handy guide will teach you everything you need to know about comparing car insurance companies so you can get the best insurance at a price that’s right for you.

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Many people choose to comparison shop to see who has the best prices and best service.

The Internet is flooded with customer reviews of all the major insurance companies across the country, and prices are very competitive among insurance companies.

That’s why it makes sense to compare so you can get the best deal for your particular situation.

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For example, you may need the best coverage for a new car, or you have a teenage driver and want to save money.

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Luckily, we have detailed, in-depth guides to the various major car insurance companies to help make your decision easier!

Perhaps the most important thing you should have when comparing car insurance companies is a buyer’s guide to all the car insurance companies in your state.

You can find this guide on the state insurance commission website. You can compare things like complaint to customer ratios, financial ratings, and more.

Of course, you want to know that the company is financially stable so that it can pay ads quickly.

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This will give you a better idea of ​​what surprises may await you when you contact support or need to file a claim.

To check the details of a company’s complaint, visit the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) website. You will then enter the name of the company (or companies) with which you will go and see the various reports.

What makes this particular approach different is that you can see a more balanced ratio of customer complaints to a company’s top market share.

Cheap Motor Car Insurance

In short, it prevents larger, better-known insurance companies from being unfairly priced simply because they have more customers who could potentially file a complaint.

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Lower than that and you risk putting your insurance in the hands of a company that may not be as solid or financially stable as it seems.

For example, by looking at a company’s S&P rating (standard and poor), you can find out how financially capable they are of fulfilling their insurance policies, such as paying claims on time.

This rating system has 10 different categories in descending order, with the highest rating being the AAA rating.

Most states already require minimums for things like personal injury liability (both single and multiple), property damage liability, etc. These values ​​vary from state to state.

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According to, they can range from $10,000 (Single Person Liability) / $20,000 (Each Party Liability) / $10,000 (Property Damage) in Florida to $50,000/$100,000/$25,000 respectively in Alaska.

Remember that this is just a starting point. Often, state minimums are simply not enough to cover things like rising medical costs and auto repair costs.

You will need to consider the value of the assets that need protection and how much protection they really need. For example, if you’ve already paid off your car in full and it’s an older vehicle, you probably don’t need accident insurance.

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Once you have this information, it’s time to start receiving s. Often you will speak with an agent directly over the phone or online (or both).

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You may have heard that it’s wise not to judge a book by its cover, but insurance companies do. They need to properly evaluate and assess risk based on many factors – or they won’t stay in business for long.

That said, it’s a good idea to ask your agent a few basic questions when you get one:

When you receive a quote from an insurer, you will also receive a risk assessment. These are some factors that make up how much of a “risk” you are to the company – for example, how likely you are to make a claim.

There are various factors involved in assessing risk, including your age, gender, criminal record, driving record, credit history, and even where you live.

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For example, if you are elderly and live in an area with a high rate of car theft, you will pay more than someone who is in their 30s and lives outside the city.

For example, if a friend borrowed your car to go get pizza and he hit another car, are you liable?

What if you’re a pizza delivery guy and you use your car for work – are you covered if you’re in an accident?

Cheap Motor Car Insurance

Each insurance company – and each state – handles these situations differently, so be sure to ask your agent about the specifics.

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Don’t forget to also ask what happens if you borrow someone else’s car and have an accident, or if you get into a rental car.

Your deductible is the amount you will have to pay in the event that you are involved in an accident and make a claim before your insurance kicks in.

Depending on the insurance plan you choose, your deductible can range from $100 to $1,000. Generally speaking, a higher deductible means you’ll pay less in insurance premiums, but a higher premium means a lower deductible in the event of an accident.

Insurance companies look forward to your business, so many offer a wide range of payment options to make paying more convenient and easier for you.

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Some companies allow you to pay in six-month installments. Others will offer you a discount if you pay the entire annual bill in one go.

Third parties may add additional fees to monthly payments for added convenience. Again, every company handles this differently, so it’s always wise to ask.

If you’re eyeing a fancy new car, make sure you can afford both the car payment and the insurance – because your insurance will likely increase, sometimes significantly!

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OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, and many people don’t think to ask their agents this question.

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But that’s good to know because OEM parts are identical to what came with your car.

Another type of parts are aftermarket parts that fit a specific line of vehicles but not a specific make or model.

Aftermarket parts are cheaper and insurers often prefer to use them because they save money, but aftermarket parts are not always used by insurers. Some treat things by claim – to make things even more confusing!

Some insurers even “mix and match” parts – preferring to use OEM parts for safety-critical items like airbags and aftermarket parts for cosmetics like mirrors.

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Sometimes just being able to drive down the street and meet an agent face-to-face can help improve issues more than chatting online. If they have a local office, ask if they can do an annual insurance review. This means an agent looks at your existing services and helps you determine if you’re paying for coverage you don’t really need and to make sure you have the coverage you REALLY need.

In the midst of an accident, it can be difficult to think through and make sure you have all the necessary information your agent needs to file a claim.

Many insurance companies have a “checklist” program or website where you can make a claim and contact an agent as soon as an accident occurs.

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Being able to do this at any time of the day or night is a real life and money saver!

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