What Are The Benefits Of Being A Purple Heart Recipient In Texas?

US Texas Army & Air National Guard Purple Heart Medal TXARNG TXANG
US Texas Army & Air National Guard Purple Heart Medal TXARNG TXANG from www.worthpoint.com

As a veteran, you have earned the right to certain benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Among these are those that are specific to Purple Heart recipients. If you are a Purple Heart recipient, you may be eligible for certain state and federal benefits. Here, we will discuss the benefits available to Texas Purple Heart recipients.

State Benefits

Texas provides a wide range of benefits to Purple Heart recipients. These benefits may include property tax exemptions, free hunting and fishing licenses, and waived vehicle registration fees. In addition, Purple Heart recipients may also be eligible for tuition waivers at public universities and community colleges. For more detailed information on the various benefits available to Purple Heart recipients in Texas, visit the Texas Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Federal Benefits

In addition to the state benefits provided to Purple Heart recipients, there are also a number of federal benefits available. These include disability compensation and pension payments, special housing grants, and educational assistance. Additionally, Purple Heart recipients may be eligible for VA-funded healthcare, including medical, dental, and psychological services. For more detailed information on the various benefits available to Purple Heart recipients, visit the VA website.

Other Benefits

In addition to the state and federal benefits available to Purple Heart recipients, there are also a number of other benefits available. These include access to certain discounts, such as discounted travel and lodging, as well as waived fees for certain recreational activities. Additionally, some employers may offer special hiring preferences to Purple Heart recipients.

Purple Heart Recipient Designation

In order to be eligible for the benefits mentioned above, you must be designated as a Purple Heart recipient by the VA. To be designated as a Purple Heart recipient, you must meet certain criteria, such as having been wounded in action or having been killed in action. For more information on how to obtain Purple Heart recipient designation, visit the VA website.

How to Apply for Benefits

Once you have been designated as a Purple Heart recipient, you can apply for the various benefits available to you. To apply for state benefits, you will need to contact the Texas Department of Veterans Affairs. To apply for federal benefits, you can visit the VA website or contact your local VA office. Additionally, you may also be able to apply for certain benefits directly from employers or other organizations.


As a Purple Heart recipient, you are eligible for a number of state and federal benefits. These benefits can help you pay for medical care, housing, and education, as well as provide access to certain discounts and waived fees. To apply for these benefits, you must first be designated as a Purple Heart recipient by the VA. Once you have been designated as a Purple Heart recipient, you can apply for the various benefits available to you. For more detailed information on the benefits available to Purple Heart recipients, visit the VA website.