Military Vehicle History: A Look Back In Time

10 Military Vehicles That Civilians Won't Ever Get To Purchase
10 Military Vehicles That Civilians Won't Ever Get To Purchase from


Military vehicles have been around for centuries and have evolved immensely over time. From the classic chariots of ancient civilizations to the tanks of World War II, military vehicles have seen a tremendous amount of development throughout history. In this article, we will take a look back at the history of military vehicles, from their earliest forms to the modern-day marvels of warfare.

Ancient Times

Military vehicles have been around since ancient times. The earliest known military vehicle was the chariot, which was first used in Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. Chariots were often used by the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hittites, as well as other ancient civilizations. Chariots were made of wood and were often pulled by horses, as they were faster and more maneuverable than infantry. Chariots were mainly used for transportation, but they could also be used in battle. Chariots could carry up to four people, including a driver, archer, and two shield-bearers.

Middle Ages

The Middle Ages saw the emergence of mounted knights and horse-drawn carts. Knights were heavily armored warriors who rode on horseback and were used for both transportation and combat. Horse-drawn carts, or wagons, were also used for transport, as they could carry heavier loads than chariots. Horse-drawn artillery was also developed during this period, including the trebuchet and catapults. These weapons were used to launch projectiles such as stones and arrows at enemy fortifications.


The Renaissance saw the emergence of the first wheeled military vehicles. These vehicles, known as carriages, were used to transport troops, supplies, and weapons. Carriages were also used to carry artillery pieces such as cannons, mortars, and howitzers. Carriages were usually pulled by horses, but there were some that were powered by steam engines. The invention of the wheeled military vehicle revolutionized warfare, as it allowed armies to travel farther and faster.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution saw the development of the first steam-powered military vehicles. These vehicles, known as steam-tanks, were powered by a steam engine and were used for transportation and combat. Steam-tanks were heavily armored and could carry up to four people, including a driver, gunner, and two infantrymen. Steam-tanks were mainly used for transportation, but they could also be used in battle.

World War I & II

World War I and II saw the emergence of the modern tank. Tanks were heavily armored, mechanized vehicles that could carry up to five people, including a commander, driver, gunner, and two infantrymen. Tanks could be armed with cannons, machine guns, and even flamethrowers. Tanks were used for both transportation and combat, and were instrumental in the Allied victory in both wars. The tank revolutionized warfare and changed the face of battle forever.

Modern Age

The modern age has seen the emergence of a variety of military vehicles, including armored personnel carriers, main battle tanks, and self-propelled artillery. Armed with advanced weaponry such as lasers, guided missiles, and computerized targeting systems, these vehicles are capable of delivering unprecedented levels of destruction. Modern military vehicles are also equipped with sophisticated communication systems and protective armor, making them even more formidable.


Military vehicles have come a long way since their earliest forms. From the chariots of ancient civilizations to the modern-day marvels of warfare, military vehicles have seen tremendous development throughout history. Today, they are an essential part of any military force, and their development shows no signs of slowing down. The future of military vehicles looks bright, as new technologies and advances in weaponry continue to revolutionize warfare.